Accommodation for 4 children & young people, aged 12-18 years, in a local community setting.

Located in the heart of the community in the town of Beith, North Ayrshire. Rockwood House is able to accommodate 4 children & young people.

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Call 01505 506931

Contact us

Service Leader

Hazel Glen

Services offered at Rockwood House

  • Children's houses

Children and young people are supported by our staff team to attend mainstream education, College and employment in the local community.

Where community resources are not available, children & young people are able to access our Education and Employability programme at Erskine Waterfront Campus.

Opportunities to experience new activities and learning are designed in a creative and imaginative way that reduces anxiety and distress caused by past experiences. This allows children & young people to be gently challenged to come out of their ‘comfort zone’, while still supported by adults.

Through positive adult role modelling, encouragement, and positive reinforcement of success, no matter how small, young people are supported to cope with disappointment and to seek achievable solutions, where success is not immediate.     

Young people are encouraged and actively supported to become involved in local community events & clubs.

Placements are generally via a planned process, though the service has the capacity and flexibility to provide an emergency/crisis response. This can be directly, or by linking with other CrossReach residential services.

Want to know more?
Call us on Tel: 01505 506931